Sustainability Measures in Tourism
Sustainability policy
The management of the hotel Alisios is committed to sustainability and its activities interact with the environment, the economy and the local community. Performing a continuous, responsible and efficient management system, the Hotel aims to achieve the highest guest satisfaction and at the same time minimizing environmental damage.
The management also commits itself to comply with all applicable Portuguese Laws/legislation and developpes practices in accordance with the environment, food safety and with its own responsibilities as a company, not only from the employment point of view but also the social sustainability of the local community.
To meet the broader criteria of sustainability, including the socio -economic impact and the welfare of its employees, objectives and targets are established, in line with the reference standards of the system and so upgrade the profitability of the company.
The above is based on the following 8 components:
Our main guidance line is the satisfaction and the safety of our guests. Therefore, work structures were created to enhance the guest satisfaction and exceed their expectations.
An AZ service manual is available in the rooms. This list explains all the services offered by the hotel: prices, information’s, opening times and other recommendations.
Food Safety:
Regarding food safety (HACCP), the hotel developed internal control systems that monitors the product reception, storage, preparation methods, and the reuse of unused foods, either by refrigeration or freezing, as applicable.
The method of acceptance, analysis and processing of complaints is based on a constant guest contact to analyze the causes trying to prevent future complaints.
The hotel Alisios is aware of its influence on the environment, therefore promotes and implements management practices that help to minimize the less positive effects of its activities on the environment.
The hotel is committed to proper manage the consumption of natural resources and energy and the produced waste.
In this perspective, the following guidelines have been established:
- Low consumption Flowmeters have been installed.
- Energy-saving lamps in the hotel have been installed in many areas.
- Guests are encouraged to reuse towels and linens.
- Guests are encouraged to save water.
- Thermostats were adjusted on energy-saving temperatures according to the weather conditions.
- Leaks in taps are tested and repaired.
- Environmental information is available to guests promoting the reuse / recycling and waste reduction.
- Public transportation schedules are available to encourage our guests to walk and reducing so the use of private cars.
- Solar panels were installed.
- Printed paper is re-used and whenever it is possible, electronic communication is preferred, in a perspective of reducing paper consumption.
The hotel Alisios has identified the environmental issues, classified them in terms of importance and developed actions of improvement and reduction.
In this perspective, a bank guarantee covers all environmental accidents that may occur.
Sustainable Tourism:
The Hotel is working to ensure positive socio - economic impacts and to minimize or eliminate the negative effects.
Donations are part of the hotel policy. Televisions, linens, and other items which can be no longer used in the Hotel, are donated to several institutions such as schools, nursing homes, hospitals and charitable institutions to maximize the reuse.
The hotel Alisios also supports the local community with money donations. The revenues of raffles go to the Albufeira firefighters. Local sports teams are supported with monetary contributions, sport equipment’s and others.
Promotion of the local Tourism:
The hotel is a member of AHETA (Hotel and tourism association of the Algarve) and APAL (Albufeira Promotion Agency). The aim is to promote and improve the social / economic benefit of the local community and business.
The Hotel also commits itself to cooperate with local schools by providing study tours, internships and job opportunities for students.
The Hotel combines the tourism development of the Algarve region with the improvement of its services and environmental performance, actively involving guests, suppliers and employees.
Yearly internal training is a priority for the achievement of the hotel´s goals.
The Hotel prefers the acquisition and promotion of local products, helping this way to reduce the CO2 emissions caused by transportation and so, promoting the development of the local economy.
Regarding the contracting and subcontracting, we select our service providers among the companies of the region.
Our suppliers are selected according to the standards of our integrated management system, which determines, requirements in terms of quality, environmental and social responsibility. These requirements must be met, depending on the type of service provided.
Employment and personal development:
The hotel Alisios recognizes the importance of regional staff recruitment, so that part of the wages are spent locally and therefore providing benefits for other businesses in the community.
We also recognize the long-term importance that local residents remain in the community rather than having to look elsewhere for work.
We are convinced that these policies contribute to the preservation of our community and genuine hospitality of our house.
Regarding the human resources department, the hotel Alisios gives special attention to:
- Equal opportunities – are guaranteed in the selection and performance evaluation process for all applicants/employees.
No one is discriminated based on gender, race or creed.
- Increase of the education level - in the selection of new employees, we rely on the best professionals, with the aim to enhance the potential of the company.
Internally, we promote training as an individual and collective improvement, adapting the annual training program to the diagnosed needs of each employee and the team.
- Integration, training, improvement - for all employees of all hierarchical levels, a guide to the perfect integration into the organization, training and improvement is given. This is to facilitate the proper performance of their tasks and contribute to a career development as well as opportunities for the social, cultural, technical and financial improvement.
- The internal selection - we support the professional development of employees and prefer the internal resources by facilitating the mobility and functional versatility.
- Right to privacy - the privacy of employee data is guaranteed. Each employee has access to the stored data.
- Performance evaluation - we promote an efficient and systematic evaluation of the employee, to ensure a good development of his skills and so keeping alive a sense of safety at all levels.
- Proper wage - wage policy establishes criteria for a just and reasonable remuneration considering the individual merits and the situation of the local labor market.
- To maintain a good working environment – maintaining good work relationships and creating the necessary human and material conditions to enable the proper execution of the work. In the human conditions we include, among others, the right to appeal, in the material conditions for example educational, medical (insurance card, periodic medical checkup), and financial benefits.
- Communication and active participation - Employees are encouraged to actively contribute with new ideas and suggestions (improvement of working methods, new business opportunities, etc.) to the objectives of the hotel. For this, the necessary communication structures were created.
All employees know the Alisios manual of good behavior.
- Discipline Management - a document was prepared to regulate the discipline management based on the applicable statutory requirements under the labor law and the internal standards.
This document is disclosed to all employees.
Employment and personal development:
Following its concern for the people who work at the company, the Hotel Alisios, within its policy, has also defined its safety and health concerns by:
- Managing significant occupational hazards to prevent injury and damage to workers' health;
- Developing awareness and training mechanisms to empower workers with activities that may cause damage, such as manual handling of loads, contact with cold or cooking equipment, contact with electricity, vibration or fire;
- Promoting preventive attitudes related to the movement of workers inside the premises or on the way home, whether at the level of falls at the same level, in height or road accidents;
• Offering its employees, a Health card
Environmental sustainability indicators
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